• (+48 61) 885 05 00



The Greater Poland Cancer Centre was one of the first two centres in Poland to start using tomotherapy as a cancer treatment method (one of the methods of radiotherapy, a form radioteletherapy).
Aparat do tomoterapii swoją funkcjonalnością łączy cechy aparatu terapeutycznego (napromienianie) oraz tomografu komputerowego (weryfikacja ułożenia pacjenta). Dzięki tym dwóm właściwościom pozwala na bardzo precyzyjne leczenie minimalizując tym samym skutki uboczne.

A tomotherapy machine combines the functionalities of a therapeutic machine (irradiation) and CT scanner (patient set-up verification). Owing to these two properties, it can ensure a very precise treatment while minimising side effects. Tomotherapy is most often used to treat patients with head and neck cancer, abdominal and pelvic cancers, and other types of cancer, such as neuraxial tumours and sarcomas

For information on treatment by this method, please, see the website of Radiotherapy Unit II
